

(안내) Distinguished Lecture on NIST PQC Standards

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작성일 2023-08-30 09:42:11 조회수 689
∙ 행  사 명: Distinguished Lecture on NIST PQC Standards
∙ 일      시: 2023년 9월 15일 15:00~16:00 (Q&A 16:00~17:00)
∙ 장      소: 서울대학교 자연대 대형강의동 28동 101호
∙ 연      사: Damien Stehlé (Professor, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)
∙ 초      록: A large quantum computer will be able to efficiently break a vast proportion of the currently deployed cryptographic protocols, which provide confidentiality and authenticity for electronic communications. Post-quantum cryptography aims at obtaining alternative cryptographic constructions that are secure even against quantum algorithms, while only requiring classical computations from honest entities. In this presentation, I will focus on two schemes based on Euclidean lattices that have been selected by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) as future standards for post-quantum cryptography: the Kyber encryption scheme, and the Dilithium signature scheme. I will explain the underlying hardness assumptions and how they are used to obtain the desired cryptographic functionalities with good efficiency. I will also mention active research topics in the area of lattice-based cryptography.
∙ 등       록: https://forms.gle/nDk2gp4YP1Xj1a869

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다음글 (안내) 2023 KIAS-JBNU Fall KpqC workshop