

KpqC 5차 워크숍 초청강연

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작성일 2022-11-30 10:56:50 조회수 949
KpqC 5차 워크숍 초청강연 I  Prof. Tanja Lange (Eindhoven Univ. of Technology)
* Title: S-unit attacks on lattices
* Abstract: Lattice-based cryptography is a strong contender for post-quantum cryptography, having scored three out of four announced winners in the NIST post-quantum competition. All three of those winners use structured lattices derived from cyclotomic fields. A standard argument for the security of structured lattices is a "worst-case-to-average-case reduction" proving that an attack would imply an attack against (approximate) Ideal-SVP, the problem of finding short nonzero elements of a nonzero ideal of the ring of integers of a cyclotomic field. This raises the question of whether Ideal-SVP is in fact hard. This talk explains S-unit attacks against Ideal-SVP, including some recent results.


KpqC 5차 워크숍 초청강연 II  Dr. Thomas Debris-Alazard (INRIA)
* Title: Code-based cryptography: Foundations and usage

* Abstract: In this talk, we give an overview of code-based cryptography with a particular focus on the decoding problem. Our presentation is split in four parts. We first give some basic definition and properties of codes, then we discuss the hardness of the decoding problem. At last we present McEliece and Alekhnovich encryption schemes and we finally give a short overview of code-based signature schemes.

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