

KpqC 3차 워크숍 초청강연

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작성일 2021-11-24 18:44:13 조회수 2238
KpqC 3차 워크숍 초청강연1  Dr. Peter Schwabe (Max Planck Institute)
* Title: My personal experience with the NIST PQC "competition"
* Abstract: I have been involved in 7 submissions to the NIST PQC project; all of those advanced to round 2 and 5 of those advanced to round 3. In my talk I will look back at what I learned from my involvement in the project, starting from design principles underlying the submissions I am involved in, through implementation and software evaluation, to some observations about the social aspects of a cryptographic competition.


KpqC 3차 워크숍 초청강연2  Dr. Dustin Moody (NIST)
* Title: The NIST PQC Standardization Project

* Abstract: In 2016, NIST began efforts to create new standards for public-key cryptography. These standards are necessary since existing ones would be threatened by attacks from large-scale quantum computers. Five years later, NIST is on the verge of announcing the first post-quantum algorithms to be standardized. In this talk, I will discuss some of the challenges and lessons learned during the standardization process.

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